How Do You Get Venous Insufficiency?

Venous insufficiency happens when veins don’t pump blood efficiently. It involves weak vein walls or broken vein valves that affect blood pressure in the vein. Vein valves must close tightly after blood flows through them. Otherwise, blood can leak in reverse and accumulate in the vein. This causes veins to swell and become varicose. It also causes new veins to branch out from the engorged veins. These are called spider veins. Book an appointment to treat venous insufficiency before it becomes chronic. Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI) has a wide array of uncomfortable or even debilitating symptoms.

Venous insufficiency is caused by various things that elevate pressure in the veins. The most common cause is genetics. If you have a family history of venous insufficiency, you might develop it too. If you’re female, you’re more at risk. Pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement therapy, and birth control usage affect CVI because hormone fluctuations impact blood pressure and vein size. Many people who are overweight or sedentary experience elevated pressure in their veins. Jobs that require long periods of sitting or standing can also influence CVI since lack of movement lets blood pool in the veins.

Chronic venous insufficiency causes issues like vein damage, dermatitis, ulcers, and hyperpigmentation. This article explains how to reverse venous insufficiency.

Can You Reverse Venous Complications in Your Legs?

Can you reverse the symptoms of Chronic Venous Insufficiency? Some patients can minimize discomfort if they wear compression stockings, exercise, lose weight, elevate their legs while resting, or avoid sitting or standing for too long. But these tactics don’t actually treat CVI, and they don’t work for everyone. In fact, they aren’t safe for certain patients. CVI is a progressive disease. The only way to treat the underlying problem and prevent complications is to seek treatment from a qualified vein doctor.

What’s the Most Common Femoral Vein Reflux Treatment?

The most common treatment for vein reflux is closing off the faulty vein. Doctors then redirect blood to flow into healthy veins, rather than regressing or collecting in the damaged vein. This takes 15 to 30 minutes. Doctors can close veins in several ways. Here are the most common vein treatments for CVI.

  • Radiofrequency Ablation: ClosureFast
  • Sclerotherapy: Asclera or Varithena
  • Mechanochemical Ablation: ClariVein
  • Vein Adhesives: VenaSeal
  • Endovenous Laser Treatment: VenaCure EVLT

What’s the Top Harvard or Mayo Clinic Varicose Vein Treatment?

What do vein experts at VIP Medical Group, Harvard Health, and Mayo Clinic recommend for vein treatment? The top vein specialists agree that minimally invasive vein treatments are the first option to consider for varicose veins and venous insufficiency. Non-invasive treatments don’t work for deep veins or vein diseases. And surgical treatments are overly invasive for most veins.

The best choice is usually to close the faulty vein off within the body, using sclerosants, adhesives, radiofrequency, or lasers. Each patient has a unique medical history and unique venous pathways, so there’s no treatment that works for everyone. In addition, doctors offer and favor different methods. For instance, our Harvard-trained vein doctors prefer radiofrequency over lasers, because it’s more comfortable for patients. Always ask the doctor why they recommend a particular treatment.

Does CVI Require Venous Stasis Surgery?

Venous insufficiency doesn’t require surgery except in rare cases. Some patients have blood clots or severe tortuosity in their veins that would make it difficult to insert treatment devices. They might need their veins surgically extracted. But for all other patients, it’s faster, safer, gentler, more affordable, and more effective to use a non-surgical technique.

Veins can grow back after you surgically cut them out. And when they grow back, they don’t have valves, which means more varicosities might develop. But when you seal a vein shut, instead of cutting it out, it can’t grow back. It’s harmlessly absorbed by surrounding tissue and removed from circulation.

How Do You Know What Doctor to See for Venous Insufficiency?

The best doctor to see for venous insufficiency is a board certified vein doctor. Cosmetic vein specialists only offer surface treatments that don’t resolve CVI. Choose a doctor who’s certified in vein medicine or vein imaging by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine. Or choose a doctor who’s certified in vascular surgery by the American Board of Medical Specialties, but only if they also offer minimally invasive procedures.

What Happens If You Delay CVI Management?

If you delay treating CVI, several complications can arise. CVI can cause spider veins, varicose veins, edema, blood clots, venous stasis dermatitis, venous ulcerations, hyperpigmentation, and profuse bleeding. It produces feelings of heaviness, restlessness, itchiness, and crampiness in the legs. Many patients develop Restless Legs Syndrome, insomnia, and reduced productivity levels from CVI. No two patients have the same experience, but delaying treatment increases your risk of complications.

Can CVI Cause Discoloration of Skin Around Ankles?

CVI causes discoloration of skin around the ankles for multiple reasons. When pressure expands blood vessels, fluid and blood leak out and cause hyperpigmentation. This type of pigmentation change is called hemosiderin staining. CVI can also cause melanin deposits. Red, blue, purple, or green varicose veins and spider veins can also develop and further discolor the skin. In addition, venous ulcerations can cause redness or scarring. To avoid discoloration of skin, treat CVI promptly.

Can Treatment Erase Skin Discoloration Around Ankles?

Treatment can sometimes erase skin discoloration on ankles. It depends on the severity and how long it’s been there. Unfortunately, hyperpigmentation can be permanent, so seek treatment immediately. Doctors can suggest topical creams that contain acids or retinoids. Sometimes, they try surface laser treatments. But the best way to minimize skin discoloration is to treat CVI.

Can Purple Skin Discoloration on Legs Become Dangerous?

Skin discoloration means blood vessels are swelling and leaking beneath your skin. This poses three serious risks. One is that you’ll develop venous ulcerations, which can become infected. The second is that you’ll develop an infection under the skin. And the third is that you’ll have profuse bleeding if your skin is scraped. Uncontrolled bleeding from a varicose vein can become life-threatening. Seek emergency medical care if you can’t stop the bleeding, or if you see signs of infection (fever, red streaks, inflammation, oozing, or pain).

Are Discolored Skin on Lower Back and on Legs Related?

Discolored skin on the lower back and lower legs aren’t necessarily related. Veins in the lower legs are more susceptible to hyperpigmentation because of gravitational resistance. Varicose veins can develop anywhere in the body. But if you have discolored skin on your lower back, it could be a different pigmentation disorder too. See a vein doctor to determine whether your vascular system is causing discolored skin.

What NY Doctor Knows How to Reverse Venous Insufficiency?

If you want to learn how to reverse venous insufficiency, visit qualified vein specialists. The top vein doctors in the country offer treatment from three locations in New York. Visit Dr. Juan Montoya, Dr. Andrew Cortes, or Dr. Sareh Rajaee for exceptional CVI treatment. Our experts resolve spider veins, varicose veins, leg heaviness, ulcerations, discoloration, and all the symptoms of CVI.

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